Friday, November 12, 2004

Columnist: Our not-so-free press

We read of China and Zimbabwe throwing journalists in jail, but similar abuses are unfolding in the United States, writes New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof.
"The first reporter likely to go to jail is Jim Taricani, a television reporter for the NBC station in Providence, R.I. Mr. Taricani obtained and broadcast, completely legally, a videotape of a city official as he accepted an envelope full of cash.

"U.S. District Judge Ernest Torres found Mr. Taricani in contempt for refusing to identify the person he got the videotape from, and the judge fined him $1,000 a day. That hasn't broken Mr. Taricani, so Judge Torres has set a hearing for Nov. 18 to decide whether to squeeze him further by throwing him in jail."

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