Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Shield law scorecard: One win, one loss

While I away last week, there was good and bad news on the shield law front.

In Washington, the state legislature approved a shield law and sent it on to the governor, who was expected to sign it. The Seatlle Post-Intelligencer has details.

Meanwhile, a Texas shield bill died after failing to be brought for a vote. More details from AP via the First Amendment Center.

Here in Massachusetts, a shield bill remains pending in the state legislature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Currently I believe there are 31 states that have a shield law, 4 with some sort of protection, and 17 who have nothing. This is an issue because everyone is obviously not together on this. We need a clearer understanding of where our national government stands on the rights for journalists. Another question that comes up is, what exactly defines a journalist, that can be a very broad term. Obviously there needs to be protection for this particular issue, but we as a nation need to get together on it.